IPPHO Santosa was born in Pekanbaru (Riau) on December, 30, 1977. His parents who came from Java and Sumatra. After a career as a marketer in Malaysia and Indonesia, then he was established and holding Enter Trend Training, where tens of thousands people and hundreds of companies in Indonesia and Singapore had became participants of training and seminars. Now, the public and the media know him as:
• Expert right brain (creative marketers).
• Author of books mega-bestseller.
• Speakers seminars in Indonesia and Singapore.
• MURI Award Recipient.
• Founder of TK and PG Khalifah in 10 cities.
• Contributor in EnterTrend, InspirAction, Entrepreneur University (EU), Entrepreneur Association (EA), and the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA), Batam International University (UIB), and various mass media.
He has written dozens of business books and motivation. Both of each book he wrote with Tantowi Yahya (2006) and Aa Gym (2005). Most of his mega books seller was conved in some seminars and a series of right brain are:
• 10 Jurus Terlarang! Kok Masih Mau Bersaing Cara Biasa?
• 13 Wasiat Terlarang! Dahsyat dengan Otak Kanan!
• Marketing is Bullshit… Meledakkan Profit dengan Kreativitas & Otak Kanan.
•Muhammad Sebagai Pedagang: Akhirnya Terbongkar Juga Pelajaran-Pelajaran Tersembunyi dari Sang Khalifah tentang Otak Kanan, Entrepreneurship & Kekayaan.
• 7 Keajaiban Rezeki: Rezeki Bertambah, Nasib Berubah, Dalam Waktu Kurang dari 99 Hari with
100% Money-Back Guarantee and Bonus Direct USD 1.35 million).
The founder of Khalifah 25 Semarang
Much Aziz Muslim, S. Kom., M. Kom was born on April 20, 1974 in the Karanglo village, Pedurungan, Semarang. The grandson of Grandma Damsuki (The Founder of the Nurul Yaqin Mosque). His father’s name is Rois and mother’s name is Mutmainah, who came from Java. His father died since he was 3 days after he was born. Then he was living with Mr. Moch Masrum and Mrs. Yaroh. Starting a business from the time in junior high school (SMP N 2 Semarang) prefectly the way to support his knowledge after graduated from STM (STM Development, on Electronic of Communications Department). It’s very helpful his life at school. Graduate in 1993, and trusted in Section Reseach and Developtmen PT. Hie (Polytron Kudus). During Working in Polytron,he has the other business by opening “ADHA Computer” Kudus which specifically on Rental, Typing and Computer Service. In 1997, he continued studying Computer Science at Unisbank S1, Semarang, and still working in the Polytron Kudus. He managed his time hardly, work in Kudus in the morning, and to be Lecture in Semarang in the afternoon. In 1999, he was trusted as UNDIP Built Environment Laboratory Staff, and pioneered the home side business computer rental, which is start with only a computer and a printer, Alhamdulillah, it’s grow up until 2 warnet and a part sales and service of computer. All his efforts at the point of emphasis to support the school lessons, facilitate children’s learning, working on computer-related tasks. He payed his study from his S1 Lecture salary. In 2001, he got degree S. Kom, and immediately became lecturer in Unisbank (Stikubank University, University-based Entrepreneur University). Not only with his S1 and then move on to UGM (With Fee Scholarship BPPS) and eventually graduated Master in 2007, with the degree of M. Com. In 2008 trusted as a lecturer in the Mathematics Department, Semarang State University, until now. Concern of education and the Entrepreneur side and desire to devote the best for this nation, then in 2008, he established the Rijalul Quran foundation as Orphans and Dhuafa Program, and November 2010 established Khalifah Preschool based on Tauhid and Entrepreneur.
Teachers Staff
Lusita Anggraeni, S.Pd. Mom figure who is very careful with children, born in Tegal on March 23, 1987. History of education starting from of Al-Basyariah, Bandung elementary school, then junior high and high school Darul Mujahadah, Tegal, and recently completed his studies of English Education of Semarang State University in 2009. She trusted to be a headmaster at this preschool and responsible to develop English language competence for young learners students.
Siti Aminatun was born in Pemalang on January 13, 1987. Graduate from Muhammadiyah University Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta. Elementary School Teacher Education Programs. Has attended several courses in the field of information technology. Trusted teaching handicrafts skill which will be taught to students.
Wurini Maya, was born in Grobogan on October 21, 1989, trusted as an instructor of children in of Flash Match Methode also expert in Mathematic for Kids . Unique pattern of learning and fun makes children comfortable and turn to love with mathematics, which seem “difficult and scary.”
Wahyu Hidayat Silmi, Al Hafidh. Born on April 28, 1988 in Karang Suci village , Pecangaan, Jepara. As educators in the Islamic Education and Reading Holy Qur’an. He had completed his study at boarding school cottage Busytanu Usyaqil Qur’an, Jepara.
Siti Nadhiroh, born in Semarang on October 7, 1978. As an educator in of art skill. Graduate from Madrasah Tsanawiyah 2 Semarang, has ability of teaching creativity for children, and also admires of Prophet Muhammad as the role model.
Diyah Listyorini, Amd. Born in Semarang on July 5, 1974, the last education program of Accounting Aka Wika. She was an administrative assistant and also additional teacher.